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Improved duplicate functionalities

Good content should be shared, preferably on as many platforms as possible. Duplicating posts is only one part of the process, managing duplicates is just as important and we have made this process better, simpler and just more time-saving for you.

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What exactly have we improved for you?

⛔️ Problem 1: Finding duplicates often involved a lot of manual scrolling and long searches.

✅ Swat.io solution: You can now find an overview of all duplicates directly in the composer and can easily click from post to post.

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⛔️ Problem 2: Duplicated a post and then saw that there was an error in the text or that the posts should be rescheduled? This also had to be adjusted manually in each individual post.

✅ Swat.io solution: Changes can now be easily applied to all duplicates. This is possible for the following parameters:

  • Date & time (individual or all posts at the same time)
  • Text
  • Status
  • Assignee

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⛔️ Problem 3: You have duplicated an evergreen post very often because it is published regularly and would like to see how often it has already been posted, scheduled, etc.?

✅ Swat.io solution: The list of duplicates can be filtered and sorted. Additionally, the number of posts is always displayed, depending on the filter set, of course. This gives you a better overview:

  • Filter by status
  • Sort by publication date

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team via Chat or support@swat.io.