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More Features for Drafts

Exciting news: We’ve upgraded drafts in Swat.io, equipping them with all the features you need for effective creation and organisation. 🎉

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More Information

New Media Assets: Videos

You can now enhance your drafts by adding not just images, but also up to 20 videos, making your content more dynamic and engaging

Included in all plans.

Draft Titles & Search

You can now give your drafts a title and search for them by name, which is especially helpful when handling a large number of drafts.

Included in all plans.

Easy Organization

With this update, you can now efficiently organize and track your drafts, even when managing multiple drafts.

Drafts are automatically assigned to the creator.

Drafts can be sorted by the last modified date in the list view or Side Panel.

Included in all plans.

Additional Features for better management:

  • Drafts can be assigned to yourself or to colleagues.
  • Drafts can be given a due date, preventing great posting ideas from getting lost.
  • Drafts can be assigned a status.
    • No status
    • In progress
    • Done
    • Paused
    • Archived
  • Drafts can be sorted and filtered in the list view or Side Panel by status, due date, assigned to, and last modified date.

Only available in Pro & Enterprise as well as Medium & Large plans.

The Kanban Board

We’re excited to enhance your ability to manage drafts, ensuring all your ideas are organized and effectively utilized. From now on, your drafts will automatically appear on a Kanban board based on their assigned status. This improvement not only enhances clarity but also makes team collaboration more efficient.

Only available in Pro & Enterprise as well as Medium & Large plans.

Insider Tip: While these updates are designed to enhance your experience when creating drafts, there’s no reason you can’t use these features “off-label.” With the ability to upload videos and the many organization options, the drafts section is now perfect for using as a content pool. Even when you convert a draft into a post, the draft will still remain.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team via Chat or support@swat.io.