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The insights you need for your social media strategy in 2024

Looking at others can help you gain clarity. The insights in our white paper show you how other social media teams are set up and where they prioritize. These are the results of our large-scale survey in the german-speaking region. Get a brief insight into the topics:

Team Size

Key take-aways

Most companies (80%) rely on small social media teams with a maximum of 10 people. More than a third of these consist of 1 or 2 people.

  • Social media team members are often all-rounders
  • 5.4% of teams consist of more than 100 people


Key take-aways

The biggest challenges companies face in social media management are planning and creating content, tracking trends and creating and implementing a strategy.

  • 40% of small teams see their strategy as one of the biggest challenges

Posting Frequency

Key take-aways

According to our survey, “several times a week” is the posting frequency that most companies rely on. 14.4% state that they post monthly or less frequently. In contrast, 11.6% publish content several times a day.

Content Formats

Key take-aways

Image posts are the most popular format for companies on social media. Stories and videos take second and third place. This shows that companies rely heavily on visual content.

The Key Take-Aways

There are many questions that all companies ask themselves in social media management. Use the results of our survey to guide you! You can read more details in the white paper, for example on using AI or different channels.


The three most important goals of social media strategies

  1. Reach
  2. Brand awareness
  3. Community interaction

The three most popular content types

  1. Photos
  2. Stories
  3. Videos

The biggest challenges

  • Content planning and publishing
  • Following the latest trends

Average time spent on social media management

21 h per week

Average time spent on social media analysis

9,7 h per week

Are you ready to professionalize your social media management? Try Swat.io now for free and manage all activities in one central tool!

Fancy all the Insights?

The white paper summarizes all the survey results on 22 pages. Packed with lots of practical tips, you will learn how to make use of the insights.

Read the full report now with all the insights for a successful social media strategy 2024.