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About Urlaub am Bauernhof
The team at Urlaub am Bauernhof also offers various services for its member farms, such as joint marketing on Facebook and Instagram or the option for farms to have their own pages on its website. The company is divided into a national association and several regional ones. Areas like marketing are managed centrally, with ongoing input from regional associations necessary to ensure all kinds of projects are a success.
Using Storytelling to Spark Wanderlust
Urlaub am Bauernhof wants to appeal to as broad a target audience as possible on its social media channels. Its goal is to showcase the benefits of vacationing rurally and specifically on its participating farms. The aim is to share knowledge: how is work carried out on the farm? What are the stories behind the farms? What kinds of farms are out there? The team relies greatly on storytelling and shows the people behind the scenes at the farms.

Over 60,000
The Challenge? Coordinating Work Across the Country
When it comes to ongoing social media management, the national association coordinates all the topics and posts to be published. Urlaub am Bauernhof plans its strategies well in advance and has major focus areas for its campaigns. Marketing staff from regional associations give their input when individual posts are being drawn up.
This means that everyone involved works closely together and collaborates on designing content. To ensure this collaboration works efficiently, all the employees and the agency supporting them need to be on the same page with a central plan.

The Solution? Centralized Planning and Solid Processes
Communication is the key to ensuring that the entire Urlaub am Bauernhof team has access to the same information. Isabella Wagner is responsible for coordinating all this centrally. It’s important that she shares the strategic plan with her colleagues – and this is where Swat.io comes in.
At Urlaub am Bauernhof, the team’s day-to-day work sees Swat.io Publisher and the Inbox in continual use. The calendar in Publisher makes planning easier thanks to its clear overview of all the planned topics and posts. The relevant marketing staff can add their posts independently and assign someone the role of giving feedback or approval in just a few clicks, while the integrated status means that it’s always clear what stage a post is at.
When it comes to community management, one person is responsible for Facebook and one for Instagram. The Swat.io inbox offers a good overview of all the incoming messages and comments.
Why the Team at Urlaub am Bauernhof Chose Swat.io
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Features Used
- Central content calendar for shared content planning
- Assignment of posts for transparent responsibilities
- Integrated approval processes for simple coordination
- Centralized login for all social media channels
- Central ticket inbox for transparent community management
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