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The 7 Most Common Problems in Social Media Management and How You Can Avoid Them With a Good Tool

“Social media management tool or not?” If you are faced with this question, we will help you find an answer.

Here we present typical problems in marketing on social networks and explain how you can solve them with the help of a central tool. You will also receive tips on what a good social media management tool should be able to do. Finally, we’ll look at when you can do without one.

1. You need a lot of time to manage several channels


Instagram, LinkedIn, and now TikTok: Being everywhere your target group is is becoming increasingly stressful. Above all, you spend a lot of time jumping from one platform to another to plan posts, communicate with your community, and view key figures. The lack of a central overview increases the likelihood of errors.


In a good social media management tool, you can manage all your accounts in one place. You have an editorial plan and a central ticket inbox where comments and messages land. Instead of constantly switching platforms, you can do all your work in one place. This saves you a lot of time and prevents errors. You can also assign work within the team and distribute roles. This clarifies who is responsible for which platform, which campaign, and which posts. You also avoid everyone having access to everything.

Tip: When choosing a social media management tool, make sure that it covers all your channels. Think about the future. Perhaps you are already planning to expand your presence to other platforms.

2. You lack an overview of editorial planning


You created your social media editorial plan in Trello, Jira or Excel. That felt good in the beginning. Now you’re struggling with long tables and confusing Kanban boards. If you change something in the content, you have to remember to transfer the change to your editorial plan and vice versa. You also need to keep publication dates up to date, for example in the Meta Business Suite.


With a social media management tool, you can keep an overview. Because you can see content for all your platforms in the editorial plan. You can edit and plan them directly there. Your changes are applied immediately. Depending on the tool, you also have the option of editing images on the spot and letting AI help you with copywriting. Unlike when you work with Trello, Jira or Excel, you can publish the content directly from the tool.

Tip: Pay attention to a clear layout and sufficient filter options. Ideally, you should be able to see the status of a post immediately (planned, approved, published, etc.).

3. You know too little about how your target group thinks


You would like to know more about how your target group talks about your brand and your products. But you only see what users comment on your channels and what messages they send you. Every now and then you conduct a survey, but it is limited to a momentary state.


Social media monitoring enables you to be part of online conversations that are relevant to you. To do this, you define keywords and/or hashtags. The tool then scans social media platforms and collects conversations in which the selected terms appear. This gives you deeper insights into how well your products and brand are being received, where there is room for improvement, how your competitors are doing, and which trends you shouldn’t miss out on. You can also track how sentiments are developing.

Tip: The more you can refine search queries, the better. You can use operators to narrow them down precisely.

4. You find it difficult to prove the ROI of social media marketing


Your superiors and/or customers regularly want to know what progress you are making and how they are benefiting from your work in social media marketing. They are not satisfied with your gut feeling. You find it difficult to fulfill these needs. Sometimes you are unsure whether your marketing is on track for success.


Meaningful key figures are crucial for sound reporting. This allows you and others to quickly see whether and how much the interaction in a community has increased or how wide the reach of posts is.

A powerful social media management tool allows you to collect and correlate many key figures. You can look at individual channels or get an overall view. You can export the results as raw data or directly as visually appealing, easy-to-understand reports.

Tip: Sentiment analyses provide you with insights into the mood of your target group. This helps you, for example, to keep an eye on the image of your brand and products and prevent crises.

5. Communication within the team is cumbersome


Has this post already been approved, does someone monitor this message, who will take over for the colleague who is on vacation? To get answers to questions like these, you need to open project management tools or search your email inbox. It regularly happens that a message remains unanswered because no one feels responsible, or that a post is released that should still be going through a correction loop.


Move communication within the team to a central location. This way, you can exchange information on all relevant topics in a clear way. This makes everything completely traceable, which is particularly valuable if you are filling in for a colleague who is ill, for example. You will find dedicated functions for this in a social media management tool. By assigning tickets and multi-stage approval processes, you can stay up to date with all processes.

Tip: With integrated customer relationship management, you get to know individual community members. You can identify potential brand ambassadors and troublemakers and follow up on old conversations with new ones. You can also discuss the individual profiles with teammates and leave notes.

6. Content marketing lacks consistency


On its own, your team isn’t doing badly on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. But the common theme is missing. Because you always have to jump back and forth between different platforms and tools, you find it difficult to align content with each other and with a brand personality.


Visualize your content planning in a central location. A uniform, clear editorial plan is a good basis for this. Tags and campaigns also help you to cluster topics and map priorities. This allows you to create a consistent brand presence on all your social media channels, from the topics you cover to the colors and filters used for images.

7. You lack the time for spontaneous interaction


You would like to focus more on lively interaction with your community. But you’re too busy creating and publishing content, answering the same questions over and over again, or deleting spam comments. That’s why it regularly takes time for you to respond to urgent inquiries. This in turn has an impact on customer satisfaction.


Save time on routine tasks by automating them. In good social media management tools, you can have content published automatically and store quick answers to frequently asked questions. AI assistants such as Swat.io AI help you to create posts with little effort and without compromising on quality. To prevent the negative consequences of spam and hate posts, you can hide potentially questionable comments for the time being. All of this means you have more time for spontaneity and can respond as quickly as users want.

When can you do without a social media management tool?

For the vast majority of social media managers, a social media management tool is a must-have. But what if you’re just starting out and your budget is tight?

You can do without one, especially if

  • you only manage one or a maximum of two social media accounts,
  • your communities are small and/or
  • social media marketing plays a subordinate role for you.

On the other hand, you will quickly reach your limits as soon as your company is active on several platforms, your communities are large or growing and you want to exploit the potential of social networks.

Conclusion: A good social media management tool is a game changer

Successful social media marketing places increasing demands on individuals and teams. To achieve your own goals, it is necessary to regularly publish high-quality content on all channels, react quickly to news, and maintain a lively exchange with your target group. On top of this, there are analyses, monitoring, and strategic planning.

If all of this is getting on top of you and you’re still working with Excel spreadsheets, it’s high time for a social media management tool. It is usually advisable to opt for one at an early stage. Only a powerful control center will enable you to meet all the requirements of social media managers and keep your work fun.

With Swat.io, social media marketing suddenly feels a lot easier. Our social media management plan has everything you need to achieve your goals. Try it now for free!

Efficient Social Media Communications With Swat.io

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