✨ Swat.io AI: New smart features for easier social media management Learn more now

A Twitter Management Tool Without Compromise

Manage your Twitter marketing together with the rest of your social media in a single interface without losing your overview.
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Quick Responses Set Successful Twitter Marketing Apart

Twitter marketing plays out in real time. If you want to wow your followers with your content and community management, you need to be able to fall back on reliable processes. Otherwise, you’ll lose your overview and the quality of your communication on Twitter will suffer.

Made by Social Media Professionals, for Social Media Professionals

We've been focusing on the demands of professional social media teams since 2010. From single-person companies to international corporate groups, every organization needs to have clarity and control in order to free up more time for important social media management tasks. Over 30,000 users currently rely on our expertise.

Your Twitter Marketing Tool for Straightforward Publishing and Interaction

Swat.io Publisher and Inbox let you simplify your Twitter marketing across the board, saving tons of time for your day-to-day tasks. Our customers love these features!
  • Agile Editorial Planning for All Channels

    Plan and publish your posts on every supported channel: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and TikTok. You can publish posts straight away or schedule them so that they’re automatically published at a particular time. The calendar offers a clear overview of your editorial plan, with all the proposed, planned and published posts.
  • Reliable Approval Process and Social Media Communications

    Working in a team requires specific structures and capabilities. Reliable workflows and integrated approval processes facilitate internal feedback loops when your social media content is in the planning phase. Any changes and internal notes on proposed posts are stored in each post’s internal activity log, so you can always view and track all the important information.
  • Community Management With a Single Inbox

    Swat.io Inbox aggregates all the comments, posts, mentions, private messages and direct messages from all your social media channels, letting you reply quickly and efficiently assign tickets to the team members responsible. If you also activate automations, some of your community management tasks will even take care of themselves.
  • Twitter Enterprise API for Better Results

    Twitter’s enterprise API suite changes the way organizations make decisions and resolve problems. We’re a Twitter enterprise API client, offering you the most comprehensive access and reliability for your Twitter data: search your tweet archive, filter, sample and batch tweets, and receive a raft of statistics that are only available to enterprise API clients.
  • Listen to the Market With Web Monitoring

    Swat.io offers web monitoring to ensure you don’t miss any important conversations online. Keep an overview of all your key topics, phrases and mentions with flexible monitoring terms and gain valuable sector insights.
  • Analyze and Evaluate Your Activities

    Check out the key performance indicators for your social media channels and get a quick overview of the most important information about your community, content, custom tags, tickets and team members. You can use this information to measure and evaluate the success of your social media strategy. And of course, you can export all the data that’s been collected for further use and processing.
  • Support You’ll Adore, Always by Your Side

    Whether you’ve got a great idea for a new feature, you’ve gotten stuck on something or you’re looking for a specific function, our support team is always happy to help. They’re friendly and take just a couple of minutes to reply, on average. Customers and prospective clients alike can benefit from the high-quality service offered by our support team.
  • Give Your Data to People You Can Trust

    Is data protection important to you? It’s important to us, too! We store your data in two redundant data centers in Vienna, Austria, operated by our IT partner, who is certified to ISO/IEC 20000-1. Some data is also stored in a data center in Frankfurt, Germany, via Amazon Web Services. We comply with several self-regulatory frameworks such as the GDPR, and review our compliance on an ongoing basis.

Test Out Simple Twitter Management and Optimized Teamwork for Yourself

Be blown away by what a difference a professional Twitter tool can make to your marketing. Find out more about Swat.io packages, start your free trial or get advice on our products for enterprise clients.
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  • No credit card required
  • No automatic renewal

Customers Enjoying Success on Twitter Thanks to Swat.io Include

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Logo Österreichisches Patentamt
Christina Nettek, Austrian Patent Office
“Swat.io gives us a quick and thorough overview of our work. Forward planning in the content calendar saves a huge amount of time: we can see at a glance what is planned for which time, what has already been published and what still needs to be dealt with. It’s this structure that makes our social media work possible. I would recommend Swat.io to anyone undertaking social media management, especially if they’re managing multiple accounts. It’s genuinely fun to use – I never want to be without Swat.io again!”

Frequently Asked Questions About Swat.io and Twitter

Do retweets show up in the Swat.io inbox?

Yes, retweets are shown in Swat.io, too.

Can I shorten links in Swat.io itself when drafting a tweet?

Yes. We offer a bit.ly feature that you can use with your own account, too. If you don’t want to shorten a link, you can also deactivate it entirely.

Can I publish Twitter threads with Swat.io?

When you plan a tweet, you have the option to plan the first comment, which is published along with your tweet as a response to it.

Easy Content Planning.

A Twitter tool that works. Simplify your processes and use the time you free up to improve your communication even further. See what simple Twitter marketing can be like with Swat.io!
  • Try it free for 21 days
  • No payment information required
  • No automatic renewal